To the editor:
The following is an updated version of the statement I attempted to make during public participation at the Oct. 16 Lynnfield School Committee meeting.
I say attempted as I was continually interrupted by the School Committee Chair Kristen Elworthy, who, instead of censuring Kate DePrizio for actions she took as chair that were unbecoming of a School Committee member, decided that attempting to censor me during “Public Participation” was the course to follow.
Incidentally, Chair Elworthy spent more time admonishing me to stay “in the purview of the current school committee” and to not “editorialize” than any of the other committee members did collectively to question Kate DePrizio’s false and defamatory attack on Jamie Hayman, his family, and most horrifyingly, his children.
This “purview clause” has not been used since this new committee got to work and they have listened to all participants.
Oh, and then there was a technical glitch and the video stopped working; so, my delivery of this statement was derailed somewhat.: “I am sharing these data points regarding an alarming behavior trend which has only gotten progressively worse since March of 2021 and has led us to the dire situation that the Lynnfield School Committee, and, by extension Lynnfield Public Schools is in.”
The bottom line is that former School Committee Chair, Kate Deprizio’s most recent and most egregious attack isn’t just a “terrible mistake” as the current Chair, Kristen Ellworthy is trying to characterize it, rather it is the culmination of an ever-worsening pattern of behavior which dates back to March of 2021 and is currently afflicting Lynnfield’s public school system
Data Point # 1: Debate Gate
Dan Tomasello of the Lynnfield Villager was going to moderate a debate over Zoom between the three candidates (me, Brian Charville and Kate DePrizio) prior to the April 2021 School Committee election and two highly respected PTO volunteers were to provide logistical support.
Apparently this was a huge issue to Kate who called into question the integrity of the PTO volunteers, “I have concerns about involvement from those that have expressed their support publicly, even if their involvement for this event is “behind the scenes” in nature. Candidates Night needs to proceed without any appearance of impropriety- I’m not convinced that it would appear that way at this point. That gives me pause.” She then wished everyone concerned a “gentle night” before subsequently bringing in the questions of “friends and neighbors for the first time:
Isn’t ———– a huge Phil supporter-like his campaign manager or something?
Isn’t ———– publicly supporting Phil?
Why did they set this up?
Did Phil ask them to set this up?
Isn’t Rob Dolan, Tim Doyle’s cousin?
Kate, aren’t you friendly with Dan?
Resultingly, it gave Kate “pause to participate in an event where voters, representative of all 3 candidates, have this speculation.”
Needless to say, this became ridiculously frustrating for all those involved in organizing the debate and the debate didn’t happen, funnily enough, however, this was the first appearance of “friends and neighbors.”
Note here, Kate’s concern about the appearance of “impropriety.” Additionally, she also stated “that optics often aren’t reality, but they appear to be the truth.”
Okay, so let’s move on to April 2021 and Kate’s election to the Lynnfield School Committee.
The committee suggested to her that she step down from her role as Huckleberry Joint PTO President due to a possible perceived conflict of interest from the community between her 2 volunteer positions.
She didn’t.
And then Kate didn’t really say or do much on School Committee until April 22, 2022.
I present our second data point:
Data Point #2: Disingenuous Gate
In her first breach of School Committee operating protocols Kate asked to speak on an item not on the agenda, so disrespected the SC protocols and gave no notice to the Chair or Superintendent but decided it was urgent to address public participation because, “I have received over 60 calls, emails & texts” from community members and friends and neighbors. She specifically addresses the desire to share materials prior to SC meetings so the public is informed and accuses the committee multiple times of being “disingenuous.” Former Vice Chair Stacy Dahlstedt asked her to share the emails and she replied that some were calls and texts but she agreed to share the emails.
She never shared the emails, and funnily enough nobody was at that meeting wishing to speak at public participation. The School Committee received one email which was replied to.
At this meeting Jamie calls Kate out for breaking SC protocols re: the no surprises clause.
The video of this meeting is posted, yet the meeting minutes seem to have disappeared.
Over the summer of 2023, the School Committee unanimously evaluates Superintendent Vogel as proficient.
Fast Forward to Nov. 17, 2023 and….
Data Point #3: Facebook Gate.
Possibly emboldened by her previous successes in obfuscation- getting out of debating and not producing evidence to back up her claims, Kate went on to breach School Committee protocols a second time and drop the Facebook post that reverberated around Lynnfield and led to a Superintendent leaving and the Chair and Vice Chair of the School Committee resigning.
And to the mess we are in now.
To be clear and transparent with facts – in the 18 months prior to November 2023, Kate evaluated Superintendent Vogel as proficient while allegedly receiving and not sharing with her fellow Committee members multiple complaints about “School Culture” and the Superintendent’s leadership of the district.
This is a dereliction of duty.
I spoke to Kate at the time and asked her why she hadn’t shared this information with me, and she said, “We’re not that close.”
Be that as it may, it was her duty as a School Committee member to bring these concerns at the very least to the chair and not go straight to the pitchfork court of social media.
The justification for the post heard around the 01940, was “over 40 emails, a letter from the LTA and 2 news articles,” as a direct comparison in the last few weeks the School Committee has received at least 45 emails from community members (that I know of) and there have also been 12 newspaper stories (including 2 Letters to the Editors). The LTA has addressed the School Committee regarding the appointment of the current Superintendent, disappointment that the Committee felt that the LTA would bargain in bad faith and that stakeholders were not involved in the policy revisions made over the summer.
More community members have reached out to me in the last few weeks with concerns about Kate, and the current committee’s behavior than ever did about the “crisis” facing Lynnfield in November 2023.
And in a fact check update- Kate’s claim on Oct. 16, 2024 that she informed former Superintendent Vogel and former School Committee Chair, Sjoberg hours before posting her claims on Nov. 17 is another lie.
She posted on Facebook at 1:21 p.m., and emailed the Superintendent and Chair at 1:24 p.m.- not exactly advance notice.
There are a number of statements that Kate made on November 17th that require a closer look in light of the events of recent months. Bear in mind that these comments are addressed at the former committee, not this committee. However, these statements by Kate about the former committee and superintendent, can be as equally applied to her tenure as Chair and the recent actions by this committee “my committee’s email responses to the community do not show curiosity or reflection” Just going to leave this one here, but note the possessive pronoun use. Kate has turned into what she once reviled, what she once criticized she is. With regard to staff, she stated:
- “we have created a staff culture of compliance” and “to speak out, rock the boat to advocate for needs is often deemed “insubordinate” and unfortunately the character of staff members are maligned when they do speak up.” If you substitute “staff” for “committee” then you have the current state of affairs within the Lynnfield School Committee’s own culture.
- “We have developed a culture where staff needs and safety concerns are unmet…and differentiation of thought is not valued”
For this one, if you substitute “staff” with “parents/community members” then you have the current state of affairs regarding the current relationship between the School Committee and the community.
And finally, with regard to the former committee and public participation with the School Committee and the Superintendent, Kate stated:
“I feel that the community is met with a one way conversation, lack of empathy or validation and a dismissive response…why are we not more introspective, discerning and investigative?”
The current committee and Superintendent talk at the community, do not listen, do not validate, do not answer and is completely dismissive and defensive towards any suggestions and questions.
And all this happened on Kate’s watch.
The irony here, in light of recent events, especially the attempted public humiliation of Jamie, and his family, on Sept. 11, is damning.
Sept. 11 was not a one off mistake that can be put in the rear view mirror, it is the culmination of increasingly dangerous behaviors.
So, I’m going to back to the beginning of all this and ask you all (Superintendent Geary, Chair Ellworthy, members Dillon and Sheehan) to “take pause” and reflect on your actions and complicity, and your deafening silence when you needed to speak up.
To quote Eleanor Catton, author of Birnam Wood:
“The really difficult, defining choices, are never between what’s right and what’s easy. They are between what’s wrong and what’s hard.”
It’s time to step up and do the right thing and make the hard choice of stating your position on what Kate has done. And if you think she has done the wrong thing, you should ask her to resign, so you can actually get on with what you were elected to do and work towards the best outcomes for all students in Lynnfield.
You are role models and leaders in this community, so lead.
And, Kate- enough is enough, please resign.”
Phil McQueen