To the editor:
Transparency and accountability: a stronger future for all our schools
Lynnfield voters, our schools are at a crossroads. On April 8, you’ll have the power to shape the future of our school district and the financial decisions that impact every household in our town. As a candidate for School Committee, I am committed to ensuring that our community is informed, our schools are supported, and our budget process is transparent and accountable.
Our schools are the backbone of Lynnfield. They make our town a desirable place to live and raise a family. Maintaining that excellence requires us to face financial realities. The upcoming override is a necessary step to preserve the quality of education our students deserve. The numbers speak for themselves:
✔ It’s been nearly 15 years since our last operational override. Rising costs, inflation, increased student needs, and increasing demands on our schools have outpaced the revenue provided by the 2.5% tax cap.
✔ An 11% increase in education funding is being proposed, but we must ask: Is 11% the right number? Is it too much? Too little? Do our principals, teachers, and children need additional programs and resources that are not included in the 11%? What’s the long-term plan to avoid being back in this position in a year or two?
✔ The proposed override translates to a material tax increase per household, which may be a significant burden for many in our community. I recognize and respect the concerns of seniors on fixed incomes and families who are already struggling financially.
We need a sustainable, transparent approach
While I support an override, I share Chairman Dick Dalton’s approach and firm belief that any request for increased funding must be fully justified and accompanied by a responsible financial strategy. We cannot simply approve a tax increase without a plan to ensure this level of funding is sustainable. It should be strategic, proactive, transparent, and data-driven.
This is why I am advocating for:
✔ Detailed, data-driven budget reviews to validate what is truly needed.
✔ A monthly reporting process from school leadership
✔ Smart, strategic use of technology to enhance student learning and improve efficiency, not just increase costs.
✔ A commitment to long-term planning — so we don’t find ourselves back here asking for another override in the near future.
A vote for responsible leadership
I understand that this override is a significant request, and I do not take it lightly. It will impact every homeowner, including seniors on fixed incomes and families already struggling with the rising cost of living. I am hopeful that in the coming weeks, we can all get more information about the specific impacts of what a yes or no vote would mean for our town. It’s important for me, and I assume for you as well, to learn as much as I can about these big decisions before we have to make them.
But I also believe in the value of our schools—they are what make Lynnfield a great place to live. If we’re asking residents to invest more in education, we must ensure every dollar is spent wisely and efficiently.
That’s why I’m running for School Committee—to bring transparency, accountability, and sustainable financial planning to the process.
On April 8, I ask for your vote.
Let’s build a future where every child in Lynnfield has access to top-tier education, and every taxpayer has confidence in how their money is being spent.
Smart Spending. Strong Schools. Sustainable Future.
Thank you,
Kim Baker Donahue
Lynnfield School Committee Candidate