Former Selectman David Drislane passed away last Saturday, leaving behind a legacy of service on the Select Board and his countless hours to charity with the Lynnfield Rotary Club.
In his four terms on the board, which spanned more than a decade, Drislane ran unopposed every time. That was a testament to his successful leadership and his popularity in the Lynnfield community throughout the many decades he lived there.
“If you would ask me the names of five very influential people in my life in the town of Lynnfield, he would be close to the top of that list,” Asst. Town Administrator Robert Curtin said.
Curtin knew Drislane for almost 40 years, first meeting the man when he was covering Lynnfield for a local newspaper and Drislane was first elected to the Select Board. Since then, Curtin was able to see the leadership and passion he exhibited up close.
He testified to the countless people Drislane influenced, particularly through his consistent pursuit of motivating those around him to enter positions of leadership and become more involved in the community.
“He’s the reason that I got involved in town government, and with a lot of other people, Al Merritt’s wife Beverly was telling me that that’s how Al got involved as well,” Chair of the Select Board Dick Dalton said.
Everyone from town officials to ordinary residents could see the size of the footprint Drislane left behind, whether that was through his government positions or from his work in the Rotary Club in which he served many positions, including president and district governor.
Many, including Dalton and Curtin, remember him as a mentor who garnered the respect of everyone he encountered, often commanding the attention of fellow Rotarians during their meetings.
Dalton remembered how Drislane was one of the most generous contributors to his Think of Michael Foundation which honors Dalton’s late son. A devoted Catholic, he remained selfless and charitable to the very end of his life.
“Dave, every year, would send a check on the anniversary of Michael’s death. He remembered every year,” Dalton said. “I always tell people Rotary is about service above self. And that’s what he epitomized, a man who truly gave himself to everything he did.”