A lot is going on at the Lynnfield senior center. Call the center for more information on these programs and many more. Stop in one day and see all that we offer. 781-598-1078.
Amelia Earhart: Join Margie Arnold for a special presentation on Amelia Earhart. We will learn about her life and her flying experiences and what new clues they have on her disappearance. Margie is semi-retired from 30 years in higher education. One of her passions was learning all about this famous aviator. Tuesday, Jan. 7 at 1:00 p.m. Sign up with Lisa.
Parkinson’s Support: Maryann Barry, from Additional Care, leads a discussion on coping strategies for those living with Parkinson’s. Open to anyone diagnosed with Parkinson’s as well as their caregivers. Thursday, Jan. 2 at 10:00 a.m..
Market Basket: Need a lift to Market Basket? Tuesday are our shopping days at Market Basket, call the center for a ride and time.
Ask the Nurse: On the first and third Wednesday of each month, Nurse Karen Cronin, from the Lynnfield Health Department, will visit our center from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. She will offer free blood pressure screenings, and will be available to offer assistance with prescriptions and other health-related questions. Drop In.