At its meeting Monday, the Select Board discussed personnel changes that have affected multiple departments recently, including the Finance Committee, Reading Municipal Light, Recreation Committee, and the newly-hired Town Accountant.
Board members started the meeting by remembering and honoring Stephen Riley, a member of the Finance Committee who died suddenly earlier this month. Along with numerous other roles in the community, Riley dedicated 12 years to the committee.
The Board unanimously voted to appoint Crystal Levino as a full member on the Recreation Committee.
Select Board Chairman Dick Dalton said Levino played an important part in the recent tree lighting and characterized her as someone who is very active in town. She will serve in the position until June 30, 2026.
The Board also announced it is searching for someone to fill a position at the Reading Municipal Light Department.
Finally, the contract for new Director of Finance/Town Account David Castellarin was approved unanimously by the Select Board.
Town Administrator Rob Dolan said he negotiated a three-year contract with Castelarin and hopes to see him step into his role within the next few weeks.
The employment agreement made between the town and Castellarin was approved unanimously by the board.
“I think this is a very well structured contract,” Vice Chair Phil Crawford said. “I think Dave’s a tremendous asset for the town.”