To the editor:
Our conclusion of the new Veterans Memorial came a few steps closer with the items we completed last week. With the installation of the lighting completed, beautiful crushed stone and plantings were placed in the enclosed area around the lights and flag pole. Work also began on the irrigation system. We expect to have that, as well as the landscaping done this week. Last week’s update included the mailing of invitations to our local veteran. Since they were mailed, I have heard from many veterans who plan to attend the Veterans Day ceremony. Responses from invited guests are coming in slowly, but our program will be full of presenters. Look for an update next week. I should also note that unfortunately, due to a prior commitment, the high school singing group will be unavailable. We are looking at other options. I am pleased to report that we continue to receive orders for inscribed bricks, which will be placed in the 2 walkways leading to the oval in front of the Memorial. Also, the inscribed plates to be added to the backs of the 4 granite benches, as well as the center granite pedestal have all been sold. The funds raised by selling the “In Memory” bricks and plates will go a long way in helping to maintain the Memorial in the future. Looking forward to next week’s update.
Bruce Siegel
Veterans Services Officer