Upcoming Youth Events
Summer Storytime Mondays at 10 a.m. for ages five and younger
Join us to sing songs and listen to stories! Recommended for children ages five and under.
Hot Air Balloon Cards
Recommended for ages five and up. No registration is required.
Friday, July 26 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Come decorate a card with colorful buttons and write nice things to your friend!
Scott Martell Magic Show
Wednesday, July 31 from 11:30 a.m. – 12:24 p.m. at MarketStreet Green join us for a magic show with magician Scott Martell!
Enjoy a family magic show featuring lots of comedy and surprises! All ages are welcome. Recommended for ages 4-12. Register for updates on this program.
This program was generously funded by the Friends of the Lynnfield Library.
Bryson Lang : Cure for the Common Show
All ages are welcome. Register for updates.
Wednesday, Aug. 7 at 11:30 a.m. at MarketStreet Green.
Bryson Lang is a comedy juggler. He takes both ordinary and out-of-the-ordinary objects and literally spins them into a visual tapestry in a distinctive and dynamic way. At Bryson’s show you’ll see: flying sombreros, huge spinning rings, upside down bounce-juggling, giant beach balls, glow-in-the-dark objects, a tennis racquet and always a few surprises!
Summer Reading Finale with Roli Poli Guacamole
All ages are welcome. Register for updates.
Friday, Aug. 9 at 11 a.m. on the Lynnfield Commons.
Join us for a celebration of summer with Roli Poli Guacamole! Get ready to sing, dance and have some fun at this family concert.
Upcoming Adult Programs
Planning for Medicare – Countdown to 65
Wednesday, July 24, 6 – 7 p.m. on the Library Mezzanine.
Planning for Medicare-Countdown to 65 is a no-cost seminar that helps you understand your Medicare health insurance options outside of your employer-sponsored coverage, whether or not you’re planning to retire. This is a presentation and discussion led by a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Massachusetts representative.
Virtual Yoga
Thursdays, 12 – 1 p.m. on Zoom.
This will be a 45 minute class on Zoom. Make sure you have a sturdy chair on a nonslip surface, as well as light handweights (optional). This class will be done partially in the chair and part standing up showing how the chair can be used as a prop to assist with the yoga poses. We will incorporate breath work, matching breath with movement to help achieve mindfulness.
Register through the library’s online catalog or by calling 781-334-5411
Register with a valid email at least an hour prior to class start time to receive the link to join the class. You will receive an email with login information a half hour before the class begins.
This program was generously funded by the Friends of the Lynnfield Library.
Drop in Technology Help
Tuesday, July 30, 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. on the Library Mezzanine.
Need help with your apps, devices, or social media? Your librarians can help! Come by the library on the last Tuesday of the month and we’ll help you out! Please bring your device, any of its accessories, and its charging cable with you. We cannot assist with broken devices, viruses, or items that cannot be physically brought to the library.
The Last Tuesday Book Club
Tuesday, July 30, 6 – 7:30 p.m. on the Library Mezzanine.
The Last Tuesday Book Club is the Lynnfield Library’s fiction book group! In July we will be reading “Nora Goes Off Script” by Annabel Monaghan. Copies will be available soon at the Lynnfield Circulation Desk. No registration required.