Centre Congregational Church at 5 Summer St. invites the community to join us on Sunday, June 9 at 10 a.m. as we welcome our guest speaker, Gladys Vega, executive director of La Colaborativa in Chelsea. Centre Church has partnered with this organization, and this year, with the support of local individuals and organizations, we were able to donate 200 Mother’s Day goody bags for the Mother’s Day luncheon and over a thousand Easter baskets for the children in the Chelsea community.
Please join us as we hear from Gladys about her mission and how it is making a difference in nearby underserved communities. Following the service, there will be an ice cream social and a chance to talk directly with Gladys. For more information, contact the church office at 781-334-3050.
Please note that through June 9, Centre Church is collecting diapers to be donated to La Colaborativa.