This year’s Memorial Day parade & celebration will be held on Monday, May 27. The parade will muster in the parking lot of the Our Lady of Assumption Church at 8:15 a.m. Once assembled, the parade will march to the South Burying Ground on Salem Street and then to the Willow Cemetery on Summer Street. Ceremonies will be conducted at each location. The parade will return to the South Lynnfield Fire Station for a brief recess. The parade will reassemble at the Middle School at 10 a.m. and will march to the West Burying Ground, Old Burying Ground, and Forest Hill Cemetery. Ceremonies will be conducted at each location. The parade will then march to the Meeting House and Common for a final ceremony to begin at approximately 11 a.m. Our celebration will include music and a complimentary lunch at the conclusion of the ceremony on the Common. We hope to conclude all activities by 1 p.m. All veterans and residents are encouraged to participate in some or all of the ceremonies. Please consider joining your fellow residents and veterans in the parade, along the parade route, or on the Common in honor of this special day. In case of heavy rain, the ceremony will be held in the Middle School Auditorium at 11 a.m.
If you would like additional information, please call the Lynnfield Veterans Services Officer, Bruce Siegel at 781-334-9440.