The Lynnfield High School Drama Club, along with the town’s fire, police, and public works departments, and Boston MedFlight, conducted a mock car crash meant to show graphic scenes, to show the possible consequences of driving under the influence and distractions such as texting.
The scenes, which showed what a car accident would look like with victims in the car, crews attempting to retrieve people from a destroyed car, victims being carried onto an ambulance in a stretcher and students getting arrested, are meant to be graphic and realistic to educate students, according to a joint Facebook post about the event by the different departments involved.
The mock car crash and live event were preceded by a brief video watched by LHS juniors and seniors, followed by a discussion.
“The drama students did an amazing job making a very realistic scene,” the Facebook statement read. “All student parents were notified by school staff of the event in advance and had the ability to opt out if desired.”
In the post, the departments thanked Gaeta’s Towing for donating crushed vehicles, the North Reading Fire Department for providing a second ambulance for the event, and Boston MedFlight for providing a helicopter at no expense to the town.